Performing Arts

Acoustical considerations must be made front and centre in the design of a space for performing arts, multimedia or broadcoast purposes. Poor acoustic design can result in sound that is too loud, too soft, or distorted, which can negatively impact the audience's enjoyment of the performance, and can also make it difficult for the performers to hear themselves and each other, which can affect the quality of the performance. When designing such a project, we take into account factors such as the size and shape of the room, the materials used in the construction of the room, and the placement of sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting elements within the space. By carefully considering these and other factors, it is possible to create a facility with acoustics that are well-suited to the needs of the performers and the audience.

We have experience with all types of performing arts and entertainment venues, from small black box theatres, to concert halls, cinemas, rehearsal studios and music schools.

Cultural Facilities & Worship Spaces

Cultural facilities and community spaces such as libraries, museums, galleries and worship spaces all have unique elements that make acoustic design an important consideration. Museums and galleries require an environment that is relatively quiet and free of distraction to allow visitors to appreciate and contemplate the exhibits. Libraries, especially modern ones, can have many competing uses and activities occuring under one roof which require some degree of acoustic separation from one another.  Houses of worship and other community gathering spaces benefit from careful consideration of acoustics and noise control to allow for clear speech communication, music performance and large receptions.

There is no one size fits all approach to these types of projects, and we take the unique aspects of each facility into consideration when providing acoustic design input and recommendations to owners and design teams. We can help to establish appropriate and achievable acoustic design criteria within the scope and budget of the project.